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Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates

April 1, 2021 - AgeCare Weekly Update:  How you can reduce the risk of a third wave, a message from The Alberta Continuing Care Association, visitation guidelines and more!

Posted by AgeCare on April 1, 2021 at 3:58 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. COVID-19 Third Wave – We must all act now to reduce the risk of a third wave.
  2. Visitation Guidelines – How to stay safe while visiting with your loved ones.
  3. Recreation Calendars - Staying active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected
  4. The Alberta Continuing Care Association – Let’s all do our part to prevent COVID-19 from entering our communities.
  5. Weekly Shout-Out – Celebrate the great work and activities happening at our AgeCare communities.

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

March 26, 2021 - AgeCare Weekly Update - information on COVID-19 Variants of Concerns, visitation guidelines and a weekly shout-out!

Posted by AgeCare on March 26, 2021 at 2:33 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. COVID-19 Variants – How we can all work together to prevent a third wave.
  2. The Alberta Continuing Care Association – Let’s all do our part to prevent COVID-19 from entering our communities.
  3. Visitation Guidelines – How to stay safe while visiting with your loved ones.
  4. Recreation Calendars - Staying active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  5. Weekly Shout-Out – Celebrate the great work and activities happening at our AgeCare communities.
    We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

March 19, 2021 - AgeCare Weekly Update - Rapid Screening for staff, information about the next phase in the vaccination roll-out, an introduction to the Alberta Continuing Care Association and more!

Posted by AgeCare on March 19, 2021 at 2:52 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Rapid Antigen Screening for Staff – Information about this newly launched screening program for staff
  2. Vaccination Update – Information about Phase 2B, C and D from the Alberta Government
  3. The Alberta Continuing Care Association – Information about our membership in this important organization.
  4. Visitation Guidelines – How to stay safe while visiting with your loved ones.
  5. Recreation Calendars - Staying active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  6. Weekly Shout-Out – Celebrate the great work and activities happening at our AgeCare communities.

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

March 12, 2021 - indoor visitation and resident outings guidelines, enhancing engagement, recreation calendars and more!

Posted by AgeCare on March 12, 2021 at 3:52 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Indoor Visits – Guidelines regarding indoor visits.
  2. Resident Outings – Guidelines regarding resident outings with social visits.
  3. Enhancing Engagement – The latest technology helping our residents stay active.
  4. Recreation Calendars - Staying active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  5. Weekly Shout-Out – Celebrate the great work and activities happening at our AgeCare communities.

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

March 5, 2021 - rapid antigen testing for staff, a Government of Alberta announcement, staying safe while enjoying the weather, a very special birthday celebration and more!

Posted by AgeCare on March 5, 2021 at 1:24 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Rapid Antigen Testing for Staff – Information on staff rapid testing coming to AgeCare.
  2. Government of Alberta Announcement - Funding boost for continuing care.
  3. Outdoor Visits, Outings, and Community Walks – Information on staying safe while you take advantage of a warm weather visit.
  4. Visitation Guidelines – Access all our visitation guides, including indoor, outdoor, virtual visits, and community walks/outings.
  5. Recreation Calendars - We know the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  6. Weekly Shout-Out – A very special Happy Birthday!

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

February 26, 2021 - Information about post-vaccination safety, COVID-19 variants, the AB vaccination roll-out and more

Posted by AgeCare on February 26, 2021 at 1:38 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Post-Vaccination Safety – Why we need to continue following public health guidelines.
  2. COVID-19 Variants – Information from AgeCare Sagewood's Medical Director, Dr. Florence Obianyor
  3. Updated Vaccination Roll-out – What you need to know about the vaccination roll-out.
  4. Visitation Guidelines – Access all our visitation guides, including Indoor, Outdoor, Virtual Visits, and Community Walks/Outings.
  5. Recreation Calendars - We know the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  6. Weekly Shout-Out – Let's celebrate our Vaccine Champions!

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

February 19, 2021 - Rapid Testing, Vaccination Celebration, and more

Posted by AgeCare on February 19, 2021 at 12:01 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Rapid Testing – Update on the rollout of rapid testing at our AgeCare communities.
  2. Vaccination Celebration – Update on the vaccination of our residents.
  3. Visitation Guidelines – How designated family/support persons can book and visit with their loved one safely.
  4. Recreation Calendars - We know the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  5. Weekly Shout-Out – A special thanks to teams helping keep families connected.

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

Download Weekly Update (PDF)

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Topics: Alberta

February 12, 2021 - Rapid Testing, COVID-19 Variant, and More

Posted by AgeCare on February 12, 2021 at 11:19 AM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Rapid Testing – Update on the rollout of rapid testing at our AgeCare communities.
  2. COVID-19 Variants – Information from Dr. Verna Yiu, President and CEO of Alberta Health Services (AHS)
  3. Indoor Visits – How designated family/support persons can book and visit with their loved one safely.
  4. Virtual Visits – How family and friends can book a virtual visit.
  5. Recreation Calendars - We know the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  6. Weekly Shout-Out – A special thanks to teams helping keep families connected.

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

Download Weekly Update (PDF)

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Topics: Alberta

February 5, 2021 - COVID-19 variants information, supporter spotlight, visitation guidelines and words of gratitude.

Posted by AgeCare on February 5, 2021 at 11:35 AM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. COVID-19 Variants – Information from AgeCare Skypointe's medical director Dr. Simon Dawes
  2. Supporter Spotlight – We are excited to showcase our incredible supporters who help make AgeCare great
  3. Visitation Guidelines – How to stay safe while visiting with your loved ones.
  4. Recreation Calendars - We know the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  5. Weekly Shout-Out - Sharing words of gratitude messages from residents and families to our staff.

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.

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Topics: Alberta

January 29, 2021 - Mental Health & Wellness, Designated Care Partner Training Program, Outdoor Visit Guidelines and more!

Posted by AgeCare on January 29, 2021 at 3:21 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Mental Health & Wellness – Each month we'll give you tips and tricks for taking care of your mental health.
  2. Designated Care Partner Training Program – Registration extended until March.
  3. Alberta Health Survey – Help identify opportunities for changing and improving designated supportive living and long-term care in Alberta.
  4. Outdoor Visits, Outings & Community Walks – How to stay safe while enjoying the outdoors with your loved ones.
  5. Recreation Calendars - We know the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  6. Weekly Shout-Out - Sharing words of gratitude messages from residents and families to our staff.

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.

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Topics: Alberta