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Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates


Recent Posts

AB Weekly Update October 22, 2021: A visitation update, visitation guidelines recreation calendars and a weekly shout-out

Posted by AgeCare on October 22, 2021 at 1:32 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Visitation Update – A review of new visitation guidelines coming into effect on October 22nd.
  2. Visitation, Outings, Overnight Stays, and Screening – Guidelines for a safe visit.
  3. Recreation Calendars - Staying active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected.
  4. Weekly Shout-Out – Celebrate the great work and activities happening at our AgeCare communities.

We hope these weekly updates are helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

AB Weekly Update October 15, 2021: A visitation update, visitation guidelines recreation calendars and a weekly shout-out.

Posted by AgeCare on October 15, 2021 at 3:52 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Visitation Update – A review of new visitation guidelines coming into effect on October 22nd.
  2. Visitation, Outings, Overnight Stays, and Screening – Guidelines for a safe visit.
  3. Recreation Calendars - Staying active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected.
  4. Weekly Shout-Out – Celebrate the great work and activities happening at our AgeCare communities.

We hope these weekly updates are helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

Harmony Court October 15, 2021: A visitation update, rapid screening for visitors, visitation guidelines, recreation calendars and a weekly shout-out.

Posted by AgeCare on October 15, 2021 at 3:47 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare Harmony Court. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide. This weekly update includes:

  1. Visitation Update – A review of new visitation guidelines.
  2. Rapid Antigen Screening for Visitors – Information on RAS screening for visitors to long-term care communities.
  3. Recreation & Activities - An update on our recreation and activities as the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  4. Weekly Shout-Out – Celebrate the great work and activities happening at our AgeCare communities.

The Leadership Team at AgeCare Harmony Court

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Topics: British Columbia

Oct 8: Changes to Visitor Guidelines in Alberta

Posted by AgeCare on October 8, 2021 at 12:47 PM

In response to the continued increase of positive COVID-19 cases in Alberta, AgeCare will be implementing new visitor guidelines as of October 22, 2021.

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Topics: Alberta

Interior BC October 7, 2021: Happy Thanksgiving, visitation guidelines, recreation calendars and a weekly shout-out!

Posted by AgeCare on October 7, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at our Interior BC AgeCare communities. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide. This weekly update includes:

This weekly update includes:

  • Thanksgiving Message – A reminder of public health rules and how to stay safe this weekend.
  • Visitation Guidelines – Guidelines regarding visitation.
  • Recreation & Activities - An update on our recreation and activities as the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  • Weekly Shout-Out – A weekly shout-out to all of our staff at AgeCare.

AgeCare Communications

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Topics: British Columbia

Harmony Court October 7, 2021: Happy Thanksgiving, visitation guidelines, recreation calendars and a weekly shout-out!

Posted by AgeCare on October 7, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare Harmony Court. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide. This weekly update includes:

  1. Thanksgiving Message – A reminder of public health rules and how to stay safe this weekend.
  2. Visitation Guidelines – Guidelines regarding visitation.
  3. Recreation & Activities - An update on our recreation and activities as the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  4. Weekly Shout-Out – A weekly shout-out to all of our staff at AgeCare.

The Leadership Team at AgeCare Harmony Court

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Topics: British Columbia

AB Weekly Update October 7, 2021: Happy Thanksgiving, vaccine update, visitation guidelines, recreation calendars and more!

Posted by AgeCare on October 7, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Thanksgiving Message – A reminder of public health rules and how to stay safe this weekend.
  2. Vaccine Eligibility – More groups are now available for the third dose of vaccine.
  3. Rapid Antigen Screening – We encourage ALL visitors, regardless of their vaccination status, to participate in RAS testing.
  4. Visitation, Outings, Overnight Stays, and Screening – Guidelines for a safe visit.
  5. Recreation Calendars - Staying active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected.
  6. Weekly Shout-Out – A weekly shout-out to all of our staff at AgeCare.

We hope these weekly updates are helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

BC October 1, 2021: Includes information on protecting yourself from COVID-19, National Seniors Day, recreation calendars and a weekly shout-out.

Posted by AgeCare on October 1, 2021 at 4:00 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide. This weekly update includes:

  1. Protect yourself from COVID-19 – Going back to the basics can make a big difference.
  2. National Seniors Day – Capturing the incredible legacy of those around us.
  3. Visitation Guidelines – Guidelines regarding visitation.
  4. Recreation & Activities - An update on our recreation and activities as the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: British Columbia

AB Weekly Update October 1, 2021: Includes information on protecting yourself from COVID-19, National Seniors Day, RAS for visitors, visitation guidelines, recreation calendars and a weekly shout-out.

Posted by AgeCare on October 1, 2021 at 3:53 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Protect yourself from COVID-19 – Going back to the basics can make a big difference.
  2. National Seniors Day – Capturing the incredible legacy of those around us.
  3. Rapid Antigen Screening – We encourage ALL visitors, regardless of their vaccination status, to participate in RAS testing.
  4. Visitation, Outings, Overnight Stays, and Screening – Our new guidelines are now in effect.
  5. Recreation Calendars - Staying active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected.
  6. Weekly Shout-Out – Celebrate the great work and activities happening at our AgeCare communities.

We hope these weekly updates are helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: Alberta

BC September 24, 2021: Vaccination FAQs, rapid screening for staff, community guidelines, recreation calendars and a weekly shout-out!

Posted by AgeCare on September 24, 2021 at 2:35 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

Welcome to our new readers!

This August, our AgeCare family grew with the addition of four communities in interior British Columbia. Please join us in welcoming the residents, their families and the staff of AgeCare Brandt’s Creek Mews, AgeCare Cariboo Place, AgeCare Monashee Mews and AgeCare Mount Ida Mews.

We are pleased to share that we now have five amazing communities located in British Columbia. As such, we are moving to a provincial version of our weekly update. While there may be a few changes to the look of this update, we remain committed to providing important information on what is happening in our province, our communities, and organization-wide.

This weekly update includes:

  1. COVID-19 Vaccination FAQs – Answering your questions about vaccines.
  2. Rapid Antigen Screening for Staff - Information on rapid testing coming to AgeCare.
  3. Visitation Guidelines – How to stay safe during your visits
  4. Recreation & Activities - An update on our recreation and activities as the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  5. Weekly Shout Out - Sharing good news stories and gratitude for our residents, staff and community.

Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

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Topics: British Columbia