Rolling into the New Year – Moment by Moment

Yes the time clock is once again rolling over and many of us find ourselves preoccupied with the task of taking inventory of our shortcomings and measuring our achievements. We tally what went wrong in the outgoing year and make resolute intentions to change things up. We envision grand improvements for the year ahead and set off earnestly in a hopeful new direction. All of this is logical, normal and well-intended.
But being around old folks who have ‘been around’ for a while, sometimes makes one pause and think differently about the rolling wave of time. For our parents, grandparents and the other seniors in our lives, time seems less about measuring missteps and calculating do-overs and more about living well; now… today… this very moment.
In recent studies of seniors, they are, it seems the keepers of certain keys to happiness. With a steadfast focus on the present; on good health, safety and simple joy derived from surrounding themselves with kind and caring people, that’s it in a nutshell – the pillars of their happiness.
It was also discovered that seniors who are happy, weed out the unpleasant memories of the past and hold fast to the joyous nuggets of life. Many of those surveyed indicated they do the same with people in their lives and present situations… discard the undesirables and embrace those that are most meaningful and uplifting.
If learning from our elders would, just for a moment, supersede persuasion from the media, reliance on technology, and the unrelenting message from all sides that material success is the equivalent of happiness; perhaps we too would catch a glimpse of true contentment. Hence, we would not feel quite so compelled to catalogue our lives according to good moves and bad moves, but rather pour our efforts into our collection of pleasing memories and genuine people.
As 2017 gives way to 2018, take the time to spend time with your aging loved one, knowing you are a true source of genuine happiness for them. Take a walk down memory lane and notice that their life’s hardships have been pruned down, or at the very least, they have assigned them value in the name of important lessons learned.
And if you are so inclined, invite your loved one to share their time-tested keys to happiness, and don’t be surprised if what they offer are bedrock answers, as in having a bed to lie down on, rocks beneath their feet, and loved ones at their side.
HAPPY New Year! May you get to the ‘happy’, moment by moment.