Your loved one has changed… perhaps it’s time for a Retirement Residence

Like the Season… Things Change.
Special holidays often bring families together and while reunions can be joyful, sometimes they also bring to light some concerning changes occurring in the lives of our senior loved ones. Specifically, family members may notice that their loved one is not managing well on their own and would fare better – even flourish – in a retirement living environment.
The decision about when to move your senior loved one to a retirement living residence is sometimes difficult. Perhaps they are resistant to the idea of leaving their home, or not all family members are on board with the change. If there are no critical considerations, such as serious health or mobility issues, the decision may prove even more difficult, and yet there is so much to be gained from a timely move to just the right place.
Where to go?
If you have found yourself in this decision-making process we have created a checklist designed to help you evaluate if you should be considering a new living arrangement for your loved one.
Is your loved one…
- Struggling with keeping up with household tasks such grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning and laundry.
- Feeling overwhelmed by home and yard upkeep and maintenance.
- A sense of isolation. Feeling inactive and disconnected from friends and the community.
- Worries over falls and unexpected injuries. What if something happens and there is no one around to help?
- Still passionate about their independence. Want to make their own decisions and come and go as they please.
If you have answered yes to half or more of these questions, it may be time to broach the topic of change with your loved one.
Difficult conversations tend to go better when you’ve taken time to organize your thoughts and even write down some words or phrases that convey the message you most want to communicate. Even though this topic might feel uncomfortable, don’t delay! If you wait until the situation is dire, your choices may be limited.
Begin with Words
Initiate a conversation with your loved one. Begin by inviting them to share how they feel they are managing in their current situation.
- Ask them what they think / how they feel/ what concerns them
- Listen, Listen, Listen
- Ask what their priorities are / what’s most important to them / what they wish to preserve
- Listen, Listen, Listen
- Share your view of the situation – including challenges you have observed
- Let them know you there are excellent options and you will do your best to honour their wishes
Good Job! You’ve started down a new path! If you have more questions on retirement living, don’t hesitate to call us. We’d be honoured to assist you.
AgeCare Harmony Court, Burnaby BC (604) 527-3300
AgeCare Midnapore, Calgary AB (403) 873-2842
AgeCare Columbia, Lethbridge AB (403) 320-9363
AgeCare Valleyview, Medicine Hat AB (403) 526-7000
AgeCare Orchard Manor, Brooks AB (403) 362-6188
AgeCare Governor’s Walk Retirement Residence, Ottawa ON
(613) 564-9255