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Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates

HC March 26, 2021 - Weekly Update - information on COVID-19 Variants of Concern, recreation calendars and more!

Posted by AgeCare on March 26, 2021 at 2:38 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

This weekly update includes:

  1. Community Updates - To keep you informed on what is happening at Harmony Court.
  2. COVID-19 Variants – How we can all work together to prevent a third wave.
  3. Recreation & Activities - An update on our recreation and activities as the need to stay active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected never ends.
  4. Weekly Shout Out - Sharing good news stories and gratitude for our residents, staff and community.

Thank you all for your continued support.


Cindy Kahlon,
Harmony Court Estate & Care Centre

Community Updates

As announced yesterday by the Government of BC, starting in April, certain restrictions for long-term care facilities will lift with regards to visitation. This change will impact our Care Centre residents and our team will communicate an updated visitation process with you next week.

COVID-19 Variants of Concern

Over the past few weeks, there has been an alarming upwards trend of not only COVID-19 cases but variant of concern cases. The reason this is so distressing to healthcare professionals is because of how easily these variants can spread. While progress is being made on the vaccination front, the reality is COVID-19 can and will spread faster than any vaccination roll-out if public health guidelines are not followed. The increased spread of COVID-19 would result in more illness, hospitalizations, and deaths.

While many of our most vulnerable persons are now vaccinated, it’s important to remember that getting COVID-19 is not ideal for anyone, regardless of their age or pre-existing conditions. Recent studies show that 1 in 3 COVID-19 survivors suffer long-term health issues, including organ problems, chronic fatigue and deteriorated mental health.

Protect Yourself and Others

Recreation & Activities

Our recreation team is working hard to create engaging activities that enrich the mind, body and spirit. We are taking a measured, phased approach to recreation activities. Each week we will be reassessing how these are going and make any adjustments that may be required.

In both Harmony Court Estate (Independent Living) and the Care Centre (Long Term Care), we are cohorting residents into groups. They may enjoy the activities with the same residents each time. All cohort recreation programs will involve no touching of each other or shared objects.

During all interactions, staff continue to practice exceptional hand hygiene, wear Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), and are using extreme diligence in enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures.

Download the Care Centre Weekly Programs:

Download the Estate Activity Calendar:

Weekly Shout-Out

MehriShout out to our big-hearted Recreation Coordinator, Mehri K!

There is nothing Mehri won’t do for our residents. She wears many hats every day she is here. From running group programs throughout the day, fixing phones and TVs, helping in the dining room, monitoring the laundry room, and making sure all residents have their needs met.

Mehri, you are a super-star!

Topics: British Columbia