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Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates

Weekly Update July 16, 2021: Staying safe in the heat, an update on remaining continuing care restrictions,  visitation guidelines, a weekly shout-out and more!

Posted by AgeCare on July 16, 2021 at 12:44 PM

Dear Residents and Families,

We remain committed to providing updates to our residents, families, and staff at AgeCare. As such, we are providing weekly updates to keep you all informed on what is happening at our communities and organization-wide.

  1. Staying Safe in the Heat: Information on staying safe and comfortable in the heat.
  2. Update on Remaining Continuing Care Restrictions – Information from Alberta Health on changes coming to current restrictions.
  3. Visitation Guidelines – Don’t miss your chance to provide valuable feedback
  4. Recreation Calendars - Staying active, intellectually stimulated, and socially connected.
  5. Weekly Shout-Out – Celebrate the great work and activities happening at our AgeCare communities.

We hope these weekly updates helpful. Thank you all for your continued support.


AgeCare Communications

Staying Safe in the Heat

The forecast is once again calling for hot weather, which can lead to sunburns, exhaustion and dehydration. Here are some tips for staying safe in the summer:

Stay Hydrated: Did you know by the time an older adult feels thirsty, they are likely already experiencing mild dehydration? Stay proactive with your water intake by:

  • Set a timer on your phone to remember to rehydrate.
  • Use a large dark-coloured glass – if you notice it, you’re more likely to remember to drink!
  • Try foods that hydrate – berries, watermelon, tomatoes and cucumber are just a few to consider.

Dress for the elements: You wouldn’t go out without a toque or mittens in -20, so don’t forget to dress for the weather when it’s +20!

  • Choose a sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection and minimum SPF 30: This will protect you from both UV and UVB rays – both of which damage skin. Remember to reapply frequently, especially if you are sweating.
  • Sunglasses: Your eyes need protection from UV rays too. Look for sunglasses with UV protection.
  • Clothing: Consider wearing loose and light clothing with good coverage to further protect yourself from the sun. And don’t forget a hat!

Plan your visit: If planning an outdoor visit, make sure you are familiar with where you are going ahead of time so you can plan.

  • Is there shade? Outdoor structures are not always available so consider bringing an umbrella or going elsewhere to get some shade.
  • Are you near a water station? If you are going to be away from amenities, bring a large water bottle to help you stay hydrated.
  • Try to avoid being outside between 10 am – 4 pm when the sun is the strongest.

AgeCare has in place heatwave protocols to help keep residents safe and cool. These include:

  • Air conditioning where available running around the clock and monitored closely.
  • Fans are being added to all communities where needed and when available.
  • Hydration stations are easily accessible to residents throughout the buildings.
  • Popsicles and ice cream are being offered regularly.
  • Residents are being monitored closely for signs of overheating or dehydration.

Don’t forget: Fans can be brought into resident rooms. For our cooling systems to work optimally, the ideal situation is to keep all windows and curtains closed, including resident rooms. In the resident’s room, we ask that both their main door and bathroom door remains open. This will allow for the cool air to flow through.

Update on Remaining Continuing Care Restrictions

As announced earlier this week, Alberta’s government will take a two-phase approach for easing remaining measures at continuing care communities.

The AgeCare team is reviewing the new guidelines, including visitation, with all of our communities and look forward to communicating these changes with you by the end of next week.

Thank you for your patience and for all of your diligence to COVID-19 safety measures that have gotten us to this place. We look forward to our return to normal.

Visitation Guidelines

Thank you to everyone who has booked a visit and followed all of the guidelines – your dedication to keeping our communities safe and COVID-free is very appreciated.


  • All visits must be booked in advance and during reception hours to ensure staff can provide a health screening.
  • Visitors must be screened if the visit is inside or you need to enter the building to reach the outdoor visit space.
  • Visitors must follow all safe visiting practices and COVID-19 protocols. Visits may be refused if a visitor is not abiding by their responsibilities.
  • Consider the weather. As we move to warmer days, don’t forget sunscreen for you and your loved ones. Covered outdoor spaces are not possible at many of our communities, so consider bringing an umbrella or hat for visits.

Download our NEW Guides

  1. Designated Family Support Visits Guide (pdf)
  2. Indoor Social Visits Guide (pdf)
  3. Outdoor Visits Guide (pdf)

Recreation Programming

Our recreation team is working hard to create engaging activities that enrich the mind, body and spirit while reducing the risk of transmission and having the least impact on resident well-being.

At this time, recreation activities will be held in individual neighbourhoods where possible and in larger spaces. This is to ensure that all participants can maintain physical distancing.

View the July Recreation Calendar for your AgeCare Community:

Weekly Shout Out 

This week we are feeling that western spirit as many of our communities celebrated the Calgary Stampede.

From western décor to themed recreation activities and more, it was so great to once again welcome back that Stampede spirit.

A special thank you to the Calgary Stampede Historical Committee for loaning incredible displays and memorabilia to some of our communities. It was fantastic to hear memories and stories from residents spurred on by seeing posters and photos from past Stampedes.


AB Weekly Shout-Out 16JUL2021


Topics: Alberta